
Ada’s Birthday Adventure (Biloongra 3.0)

[Doodle credit: ChatGPT-4] In a small, friendly town, there lived a lively girl named Ada. Her ninth birthday was coming up, and her parents planned a big celebration with balloons, cake, and lots of decorations. Ada was super excited, especially when she received a special stuffed toy from her best friend, Nunu. After the fun party, everyone helped clean up. Chike and Mama were busy tidying up, while Baba played games with Ada’s little brother, Kunle. Ada and her kitten, Biloongra, played outside, laughing and having a great time. “Fetch the toy, Biloongra!” Ada shouted, throwing the toy. It flew up and got stuck in a tree. Ada loved climbing trees, so she decided to climb up and get it. But as she reached for the toy, the branch snapped, and Ada fell to the ground. Nunu heard Ada’s cry and quickly got Mama. Mama came running and gave Ada a big hug. “Are you okay, sweetheart?” she asked. “My leg hurts,” Ada replied, tears in her eyes. Mama called for an ambulance, and soon,

Ada’s Brave Heart (Biloongra 3.0)

[Doodle credit: ChatGPT-4] In a lively city, there lived a cheerful eight-year-old girl named Ada. Ada loved playing outside with her family: her loving Mama, strong Baba, her ten-year-old brother Chike, and their playful kitten, Biloongra. They were a happy bunch, always laughing and having fun together. One sunny day, while playing tag with Chike and Biloongra in the backyard, Ada tripped and hurt her leg. Baba quickly carried her to the hospital, where the doctors discovered she had sprained her ankle. Ada needed to stay in the hospital to get better. Although Ada was brave, she felt scared and lonely without her family. Nurse Joy, who was always kind and smiling, noticed Ada's sadness. "Can my Mama, Baba, Chike, and Biloongra stay with me while I'm here?" Ada asked with hopeful eyes. Nurse Joy knelt beside Ada’s bed. "I understand how you feel, Ada, but the hospital has rules to keep everyone safe. Visitors can't stay for too long, and pets like Bi

The Superhero Gadget (Biloongra 3.0)

[Doodle credit: ChatGPT-4] In a cozy little house at the end of the street, lived a happy family: Mama, Baba, Chike, Ada, Kunle, and their playful kitten, Biloongra. Biloongra had a special secret—he could talk, but only the children knew this. One bright Saturday morning, Ada was excited because her best friend, Ella, was coming over to play. However, there was one thing that worried Ada: Ella was allergic to cat fur, and Biloongra loved to be where the fun was. Mama made sure everything was ready for Ella’s visit. They cleaned the living room and set up a cozy spot for Biloongra in Chike’s room.  When Ella arrived, Ada greeted her with a big hug.  “Come on, Ella! Let’s play in the garden!” she exclaimed. They quickly went outside, far from Biloongra. Chike joined in, and they all played hide and seek, blew bubbles for Kunle to chase, and even had a mini relay race. Everything was perfect until they decided to go inside for some lemonade. As soon as they walked in, Biloongra, cu

Ada's Asthma Adventure (Biloongra 3.0)

[Doodle credit: ChatGPT-4] In a cozy little house lived a lively eight-year-old girl named Ada. She lived with her brothers, Chike and Kunle, her caring Mama and Baba, and their playful kitten, Biloongra. They were a happy family, always laughing and playing together. One bright afternoon, while playing with Biloongra, Ada suddenly felt a tightness in her chest. Her asthma was acting up again. Baba's smoking often made it worse, even though Mama worked hard to keep their home clean and free of smoke. “Mama, my chest feels tight,” Ada said softly, worried. Mama quickly fetched Ada’s inhaler while Chike opened all the windows, letting in fresh air. Each puff from the inhaler made Ada feel better, like a cool breeze on a hot day. She took deep breaths and felt the relief. When Ada felt better, Mama and Baba sat down with Chike. “We need to make our home safe for Ada,” Mama said firmly. Baba nodded. “I’ll start smoking outside and try to quit,” he promised. With these chan

Poems from the (ER) pit: A poetic exploration in the life-affirming and life-questioning world of Emergency Medicine

Ready to traverse a landscape rich with human emotion, ethical quandaries, and the quest for meaning amidst chaos? ‘ Poems from the (ER) Pit’ offers a glimpse into this world, not through clinical case studies, but through the visceral medium of poetry. Each poem illuminates diverse facets of emergency care. Through poetry I navigate the emotional, ethical, and philosophical terrains of emergency medicine. This collection, more than a series of poetic expressions, is a call to reflect, to empathize, and to act. It invites you into the heart of emergency care, challenging you to see beyond the clinical to the deeply human(e) side of healing. ******************************************************** In the dim light of dawn, a child’s battle ends, not with triumph, but with silence. This moment, captured in “C’est La Vie” is a stark reminder of emergency medicine's raw reality. The poem serves as a prelude, inviting us to confront life’s precariousness and the profound impact of