From an Insomniac's Dream (V) - One Year


Today heralds beginning of an era

Not of interest to meaningless minds
Regardless, this story must be told.

On the anniversary of death

One year later,

Back from his journeys – inner outer.

“You are no different!” says Shams

The one - teacher, friend, lover


Narcissus’ Shams - sun, mirror, lover

And in that love’s reflection

With many layers shed


One year before,

On the eve of death

Girl on the second floor

Who was she to Narcissus?

To Shams everything

And yet he wishes to turn back time

To eliminate the darkness by the sea?

Have you really not fathomed those indecipherable tattoos?

That can be seen but not felt; if felt then not heard.

And yet palpable to the eye and ear
In the darkness by the sea.


Of continued separation.

But what’s done is done

And what’s done cannot be undone.

One year was all it took

For one to become one

And in that one year, perhaps…

This esoterica from an insomniac’s dream must come to an end

Like the wave front comes to an end at the shore,

No matter how calm or agitated ocean or land may appear.  

Where does boundary of self end and stars begin? Shams asked.

One year later, the answer.

And salvation.

Description: 'Insomniac's Dream' has two protagonists, Shams and Narcissus, depicted along with the actual (and revered) Shams of Tabriz and Jelaluddin Rumi. The latter’s poetry and the former’s extensive wandering, both seeking life's meaning or purpose and perhaps finding mystical companionship, as a result, has been a great source of intrigue for many over hundreds of years. The Shams and Narcissus dynamic alluded to in the poem, is also reminiscent of God and Man - conversations between Shams and Narcissus (or between God and Man) have been depicted in verse. In part 5 specifically, ‘one year later’ is relative to part one ‘darkness by the sea’; separation of Narcissus from perceived companion Shams. Although momentarily reunited, there’s an impasse (hence ‘perceived’ companions). Ending with the Writer’s need to terminate an insomniac’s dream because of inconsistency or incoherence between the protagonists.

Acknowledgment: First published by  Spillwords.


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