From an Insomniac's Dream (VI) - Communion

Today heralds beginning of an era

Not of interest to meaningless minds
Regardless, the story must be told.

Of rain, sea, wind and rock

Nature’s elements gone wild

A blessing or a curse to observe

Their might and mystery?

And yet, only gratitude, that I’m alive!

But there’s more…

A magnetism

An attraction within to the storm without

Shall I embrace thee?

Stripped to my bare skin

Drenched to the bone

Shall I walk into thine storm’s eye?

Then stand still, very still

Slam dunk in the middle

Just feel and be

Accept chaos without to get to peace within  

              Shall we merge tonight, my love?

Nature and I, conjugal rite

A divine oneness, a solo journey

Of darkness unto light

My soul’s union

Of communion.

And that said, esoterica from an insomniac’s dream must come to an end

Like the wave front comes to an end at the shore,

No matter how calm or agitated ocean or land may appear.  

Where does boundary of self end and stars begin? Shams asked.

In communion, the answer.

And salvation.

Author's note: ‘Insomniac’s Dream’ has two protagonists, Shams and Narcissus, depicted along the actual (and revered) Shams of Tabriz and Jelaluddin Rumi. The latter’s poetry and the former’s extensive wandering, both seeking life’s meaning or purpose and perhaps finding mystical companionship, as a result, has been a great source of intrigue for many over hundreds of years. The Shams and Narcissus dynamic alluded to in the poem, is also reminiscent of God and Man…conversations between Shams and Narcissus (or between God and Man) have been depicted in verse. Part six specifically is about Narcissus’ solo trip to the seaside. Shams is no longer around and Narcissus realizes that communion is inner union with the divine.

Acknowledgment: First published by Spillwords Press


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