My Decade at Aga Khan University: Unveiling the Essence of Growth and Purpose (A CARPE DIEM MOMENT)

 "I see patients, I do research, I teach, I write, I create | innovate | startup, and I reinvent myself every few years..."

These words, captured in my LinkedIn tagline, perfectly encapsulate the multifaceted journey I embarked on during my decade at Aga Khan University (AKU). Looking back, this milestone marks 10 years of profound growth, both personally and professionally, as I reflect on the invaluable insights that have shaped my path.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu

Almost three decades ago, when I took my first step into AKU as a medical student, I had no inkling of the remarkable voyage that awaited me. After my MBBS from AKU, my fascination with human genes and genomes led me to pursue a Ph.D. in molecular and human genetics at Baylor College of Medicine, in Houston, Texas, setting the stage for an awe-inspiring journey of academic exploration and intellectual revelations. While at Texas Children's Hospital, I delved into the intricacies of pediatrics, medical genetics, and emergency medicine, gaining a deeper understanding of the complexities of the biomedical world. After fifteen years in the US, I made my way back to AKU Karachi, Pakistan, this time as a faculty member. Fast forward ten years, and I can articulate my AKU journey through a series of reflective points, as below.   

Five Lessons Learned Along the Way

Life, a wise mentor, has bestowed invaluable lessons that have shaped my character and decisions:

1. Embracing Authenticity: Acknowledging my true self's power has unlocked boundless possibilities, enabling me to form genuine connections with others on a profound level.

2. Success and Failure as Allies: Understanding that success and failure are intertwined parts of the journey has kindled resilience and the courage to grow from every experience.

3. Walking Against the Tide: Venturing off the conventional path has nurtured creativity and innovation, shaping a unique trajectory that defies conformity.

4. Simplicity in Decision-Making: Finding clarity amidst life's complexities has empowered me to make choices with unwavering conviction.

5. Savoring the Journey: Embracing the present while preparing for the future has uncovered the true essence of life's unfolding chapters.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

At AKU, the convergence of passion, profession, vocation, and mission has bestowed upon me a profound sense of purpose. More than just an institution, AKU has been a nurturing ground where my contributions find meaning. As a Zalsa trainer, Creativist*, Innovator, Intrapreneur, Author, Clinical Researcher, and Pediatric Emergency Physician, I have had the privilege of exploring a diverse array of roles that fulfill my multifaceted identity. It is within the nurturing embrace of AKU that I discovered the concept of "ikigai" - reason for being. This institution has been instrumental in nurturing purpose and creativity, empowering me to find fulfillment in both my personal and professional pursuits.

Journey into I|C|E

One of the most remarkable aspects of my tenure at AKU has been the opportunity to delve into the realm of I|C|E - Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship. The organization's support and encouragement have allowed me to explore and unleash my potential in these realms. With immense gratitude, I credit AKU for enabling me to embrace these facets, which have enriched my professional journey and kindled my spirit to pursue new avenues of growth and impact.

Journey into Zalsa (Zumba and Salsa)

During a demanding career, AKU provided me with the space and encouragement to focus on my well-being. As a remedy for physician burnout, I embarked on a journey into Zalsa - a unique fusion of Zumba and Salsa. This invigorating workout routine not only revitalized my physical health but also nourished my soul, providing a healthy escape from the challenges of everyday life. AKU's holistic approach to well-being has played an instrumental role in helping me balance my professional commitments and personal wellness. More importantly, I was able to teach and train others in the specs of Zalsa and thus improve their physical and mental wellness/well-being too. 

Gratitude and Acknowledgments

I extend heartfelt gratitude to my family for their unwavering support and love. Their belief in my dreams has been an unwavering source of strength, encouraging me to embrace every opportunity that has come my way.

Conclusion: Seizing the Beauty of Life

As I pen these reflections on my decade at AKU, I am overwhelmed by the beauty of life's journey. Each step, each decision, and each experience has woven a unique verse in the symphony of my life. With a profound sense of purpose and love, I embrace the years to come, knowing that what lies within me is the driving force that shapes my path.

"Carpe diem - seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary." - John Keating, Dead Poets Society

I invite all who read this to seize the day, embrace their passions, and create extraordinary lives filled with purpose and love.

Thank you, Aga Khan University, for being the foundation upon which my transformative journey thrived, and to all who have played a part in this enriching chapter.

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Acknowledgments: An excerpt of this essay/reflection was first published by the AKU Blogs  


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