Create to Innovate: Harnessing Human-Centered Design and Generative AI for Clinical Problem-Solving through the Art of Storytelling

In a world where healthcare challenges demand innovative solutions, the Health Tech Summit 2023 at the Aga Khan University introduced a masterclass that seamlessly blended creativity, technology, and human-centric approaches. Drs. Khan Siddiqui and Asad Mian led this exciting journey into the realms of Human-Centered Design Thinking (HCDT) and Generative AI, unveiling a captivating exploration into the art of storytelling as a means of clinical problem-solving.

The need for such a masterclass arose from the recognition that conventional methodologies often fall short in addressing the intricate landscape of healthcare challenges. As the stage was set for an innovative workshop, participants, ranging from doctors to tech enthusiasts, nurses, students, and researchers, gathered for an interdisciplinary experience that transcended traditional boundaries.

Create to Innovate: A Fusion of Concepts

At the core of this masterclass was the concept of ‘Create-2-Innovate’ (C2i), a dynamic shift towards a quasi-virtual hybrid innovation-incubation center (described further in Chapter 9 of the book MEDJACK). This model, as illustrated here, embraced a futuristic, multidisciplinary approach, open to all students and professionals from various faculties, departments, and institutes. C2i stood as a potential fertile ground for teaching, learning, and research question generation, drawing upon collective expertise to expand the innovation ecosystem within and outside the healthcare domain.

Human-Centered Design Thinking Unveiled

Complementing the C2i model was the structured methodology of Human-Centered Design Thinking (HCDT), as shown in the figure. This iterative process commenced with empathizing and defining the clinical problem, followed by ideation and experimentation through prototyping and testing. HCDT provided a user-centric approach, ensuring that solutions were not only innovative but also aligned with the needs and experiences of end-users.

Generative AI: A Creative Catalyst

The masterclass took a leap into the future by incorporating Generative AI, with a spotlight on OpenAI's ChatGPT. This transformative force in problem-solving allowed participants to engage in a creative storytelling process (see below). During the HCDT ideation phase, Generative AI became a brainstorming assistant, helping visualize and expand on ideas. It added a unique dimension to the problem-solving process, transforming clinical scenarios into captivating narratives.

Crafting Narratives: Pediatric Asthma in the Emergency Department

As the masterclass delved into the narrative creation process, participants were tasked with addressing a real-world clinical challenge: pediatric asthma in the Emergency Department (ED). Rather than shying away from its complexity, the scenario provided a unique canvas for weaving imaginative stories using a set of distinctive characters—introducing the vibrant world of Biloongra.

The Biloongra series, a bilingual (Urdu-English) collection of books designed for young children, served as an inspirational touchstone. The Biloongra characters – Biloongra the kitten; the children in the family: Noori, Saad, and Ali; and the parents: Amma, and Abba—were not merely imaginary; they embodied relatable personas with unique traits and roles within a family.

As such, they became integral to the storytelling experience. With ChatGPT’s facilitation, the fun exercise was really about crafting narratives on childhood asthma, its triggers, management, prevention, and so on.

The story writing marked the convergence of health science, humanities, and creativity within the #C2i framework described above. During the crafting process, participants seamlessly integrated these characters into their narratives around pediatric asthma in the ED, infusing creativity, humor, and a touch of reality into the tales. These imaginative storylines not only showcased creativity but also unveiled innovative solutions to healthcare challenges, proving the power of storytelling as a tool for both education and problem-solving.

Results and Future Pathways

The workshop received positive scores on a simple visual evaluation matrix called the ‘MoodBoard’ created specifically for that purpose. “The masterclass, through its unique blend of #C2i principles, HCDT methodology, and Generative AI, not only addressed a critical healthcare issue but also transformed it into a captivating narrative experience in real time,” said one of the participants, a senior tech executive in a global health organization. All the stories drafted at the masterclass will be posted on the Biloongra blog and the links shared with the participants to disseminate through social media. That way the outcomes of the masterclass are not confined to mere stories that do not get read by many children and adults alike. Thus, there is real potential to inspire, entertain, and reshape a more patient (child)-centric and childlike, inclusive healthcare landscape.

Initiatives such as ours could extend beyond the boundaries of a single session, fostering a community of innovators exploring the synergies between HCDT, Generative AI, and healthcare problem-solving.

In conclusion, "Create to Innovate: Harnessing Human-Centered Design and Generative AI for Clinical Problem-Solving through the Art of Storytelling" stands as a beacon of creativity, where technology, empathy, and innovation converge to unlock new possibilities in patient care.


1.       Mian AI. (2021). #C2i-Create-2-Innovate: Expansion From The Merely Technical To The Metaphorical. In AI Mian (Ed.) MEDJACK: The Extraordinary Journey of an Ordinary Hack. (pp. 138-155). SEED Pvt Ltd. Kindle Edition.

2.       Dam, R. F. (2023, October 16). The 5 Stages in the Design Thinking Process. Interaction Design Foundation - IxDF.

3.       Saeed, N. Sulaiman M, Mian AI. (2023, March 27).

4.       Salim, Y. (2024, Jan 14). Healthcare Innovation, powered by AI.

from Health & Disease


Acknowledgments: Dr. Khan Siddiqui, co-founder, and CEO of HOPPR, a Generative AI company in the medical imaging space, is a world-renowned serial health innovator and entrepreneur who was co-creator and facilitator at #C2i.

Aiman Y Naseem and Zunaira Namall - Global Innovation Fellows at the Critical Creative Innovative Thinking forum - were assistant facilitators, along with 4th-year medical student Syed Waqaas. The author would also like to extend his deepest gratitude to Shaukat A Khan Global CIO of AKU and Aly G of AIM Consulting for the opportunity to implement #C2i at the Health Tech Summit. 


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