
Showing posts from November, 2023

Exploring the Commanding Self: Navigating the Depths of the Human Psyche (Part II of #DecadeReflection)

Introduction In the realm of Sufi literature, a profound concept known as the Commanding Self, or Nafs-i-Ammara , reveals itself as a mysterious intermediary between objective reality and one's authentic self. As Idries Shah eloquently states in The Commanding Self, it is "the key to understanding my entire corpus of work." This captivating concept challenges Sufi teachers to communicate its essence effectively, despite facing accusations of maintaining authority and denying individuals access to higher levels of understanding. The purpose of this essay is to delve into the depths of the Commanding Self, explore its significance in Sufi teachings, and shed light on its relevance to personal transformation and self-realization. By unraveling the layers of the Commanding Self, we can gain valuable insights into the journey of the soul and the path toward inner awakening. The Commanding Self: A Closer Look "The Commanding Self thrives on convincing individuals that its

From an Insomniac’s Dream (VII) - Wonderland

  T oday heralds the beginning of an era Not of interest to meaningless minds Regardless, the story must be told. Of an apparent merger of Yin and Yang In reality, the triumph of a trichotomy or perhaps a triumvirate? Since there was a He - the babysitter; a She - the divine feminine; and a Me - the Child Three companions on the trip of a lifetime whither thoughts were elicited, meaning sought, and purpose created, if not found. Let’s start at the beginning. But what was that? Or when? Was the origin the bright colors that tasted sweet? Or the vibration of chrysanthemums – a mere conversation with chlorophyll Or the music reverberating, drumming, thrumming…smelling of nostalgia  Or the tablecover’s patchwork of whorls That pulled you in when you felt the threads Drowning, then surfacing and breathing again, once called out Making love through head and hair And fingers reaching for one’s organic and inorganic anchors Or the appearance of dry figs and nuts    sitting atop the rugged b

Unveiling Self: A Decade-Long Journey Through Trials and Triumphs (Part I of #DecadeReflection)

As the year 2023 unfolded, I found myself standing at a significant crossroads—a milestone marking ten years since my relocation from Houston to Karachi. It was a moment of reflection, where the flickering ember of my muse reignited within me. As in the past, it beckoned me to embrace those very failures that had woven themselves into the fabric of my existence, for they had shaped my trajectory through academic rejections, professional setbacks, and personal stumbling blocks. Amidst those failures, I discovered the profound blessings of love, employment, research, parenthood, and caregiving—an epiphany that revealed success as nothing more than a redefined manifestation of failure. Guided once again by the gentle whispers of my muse, I found myself drawn deeper into the caverns of introspection, where profound growth was nurtured amidst pain. As I cast my gaze upon the retrospective lens, I acknowledged the inherent challenges and limitations it presented. It was in response to this

A Decade of Growth: Navigating the Tapestry of a Baylor Alumnus

In the grand tapestry of life, milestones are the threads that weave our unique stories together. As I reflect on a decade since bidding farewell to the hallowed halls of Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) and Texas Children's Hospital (TCH), it's not just the years gone by, but the invaluable lessons learned that make this milestone worth celebrating, six of which I list below (in no particular order). 1. A Foundation Built to Last: My journey began at BCM and TCH, where dreams took root and a passion for medicine, genetics, and pediatrics flourished. The lesson here is that a solid foundation is essential, shaping the course of an extraordinary career. In 2003, earning my PhD set the stage for the path ahead. 2. Navigating Pioneering Trajectories: Completing Pediatrics and Medical Genetics in 2008, I embarked on a journey of discovery. Winning the Thrasher Research Fund Early Career Award, my work in the department showcased the potential of translational genomics in pedi