
Showing posts from April, 2017

The Curse of Introspection on Friday the 13th

My ER shift started in chaos. “Does it have something to do with today being Friday the 13 th ?” I wondered, although not really being all that superstitious, I knew it was just a momentary thought. On bed 13 lay Aleya, a 13-year-old previously normal and healthy girl, youngest of 13 siblings. To add insult to injury she got ‘tubed’ (intubated), unsurprisingly, at 1300 hours. But I get ahead of myself, so let’s start at the beginning.       For the past 13 days Aleya had been running ‘very high’ fever, not confirmed by a thermometer. “Jism bahut garam tha” [body felt really hot] said her 18-year-old brother, repeating the fever-detection-by-hand story that I must have heard over a thousand times already since starting work in the pediatric ER, just a few years ago.  I didn’t say anything to Aleya’s brother then as I was tired of getting on the soap box about inaccuracy of that approach for fever detection. “Get a thermometer next time, or use one, if already

These are a few of my Favorite Books

1.       The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien “One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all And in the darkness bind them. In the land of Mordor, where the shadows lie.” [The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien] And thus started, during my teens, a lifelong love affair with this epic trilogy – probably, the most popular work of all time from within the fantasy genre. That there can be reality in fantasy accompanied the realization that Tolkien’s Middle Earth is no different from the world that I inhabit. As happens in Middle Earth, there are hobbits, elves, dwarves, mythical and magical figures or creatures around me and in me – yet the beauty and evil, light and dark, of that human entity is paramount. I would like to call upon the  Tolkienian  in you to recall the conversation between Gandalf the wizard and Frodo Baggins a hobbit, and the presumably inconsequential ring bearer, in the 1st part, ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’.  Trap