
Showing posts from July, 2023

From an Insomniac's Dream (VI) - Communion

T oday heralds beginning of an era Not of interest to meaningless minds Regardless, the story must be told. Of rain, sea, wind and rock Nature’s elements gone wild A blessing or a curse to observe Their might and mystery? And yet, only gratitude, that I’m alive! But there’s more… A magnetism An attraction within to the storm without Shall I embrace thee? Stripped to my bare skin Drenched to the bone Shall I walk into thine storm’s eye? Then stand still, very still Slam dunk in the middle Just feel and be Accept chaos without to get to peace within                 Shall we merge tonight, my love? Nature and I, conjugal rite A divine oneness, a solo journey Of darkness unto light My soul’s union Of communion. And that said, esoterica from an insomniac’s dream must come to an end Like the wave front comes to an end at the shore, No matter how calm or agitated ocean or land may appear.   Where does boundary of self end and stars begin? Sh