
Showing posts from 2021

HARARISM in the 21st Century – the newest ism on the block

Upon reading Homo Deus, I was mesmerized by the mind of Yuval Noah Harari - or brain perhaps I should say, as he believes much more in the objective nature of the latter. In an attempt to summarize what I had learned from the book and to create a cheat sheet for myself, I wrote a blog on Homo Deus . I listed the five most important reasons from my perspective for reading the book, and concluded the blog with three actionable steps for the reader, which to me seemed organically linked to those five points I had raised about the book. Those three were: (i) reinvent thyself, (ii) go forth and create/innovate, (iii) allow yourself to be multi-talented. Fast forward a few years, and I find myself in an even more dystopian world, with a pandemic raging unabatedly and unabashedly. Being an ER physician, I find myself caught at the frontlines of the Covid-19 tempest. After almost a year of being grounded because of severely restricted travel, the first opportunity I get to fly and I find Harar

You are not permanent (aka Zima)

I was in Downtown Denver for a conference. After a few days, and several hours of one particular day, of medical conferencing, I had maxed out on ‘knowledge’ intake. Something like that had happened to me around a decade ago, while I was in Boston for a conference with a different theme. I recalled walking out of the Boston Convention Center and making my way to Charles River where I befriended Jonathan Seagull. Although one hell of a serendipitous occurrence, that is a story to be retold another day. As that blast from the past played itself in my head, I took that as a sign. Hence, I decided to follow through on the urge to step outside of the huge Colorado Convention Center for a stroll. At that time I didn’t have any particular destination in mind. And strolling was a significant understatement, because of the freak snowstorm while I was in Denver. The blizzard had not created an easy walking atmosphere in the Downtown District, but I braved my way eastward – as far away as I cou