Ada’s Brave Heart (Biloongra 3.0)

[Doodle credit: ChatGPT-4]
In a lively city, there lived a cheerful eight-year-old girl named Ada. Ada loved playing outside with her family: her loving Mama, strong Baba, her ten-year-old brother Chike, and their playful kitten, Biloongra. They were a happy bunch, always laughing and having fun together.

One sunny day, while playing tag with Chike and Biloongra in the backyard, Ada tripped and hurt her leg. Baba quickly carried her to the hospital, where the doctors discovered she had sprained her ankle. Ada needed to stay in the hospital to get better.

Although Ada was brave, she felt scared and lonely without her family. Nurse Joy, who was always kind and smiling, noticed Ada's sadness. "Can my Mama, Baba, Chike, and Biloongra stay with me while I'm here?" Ada asked with hopeful eyes.

Nurse Joy knelt beside Ada’s bed. "I understand how you feel, Ada, but the hospital has rules to keep everyone safe. Visitors can't stay for too long, and pets like Biloongra aren’t allowed."

Ada's heart sank. She couldn’t imagine being without her family and Biloongra. She looked at Nurse Joy and said, "There must be a way. I need them to feel better."

Nurse Joy thought for a moment. "Let's see what we can do to make you feel better, Ada," she said gently. She had an idea.

Later that day, Nurse Joy spoke with Dr. Wilson, the hospital's head. She explained how important Ada's family was to her recovery. Dr. Wilson, moved by Ada's courage, decided to help.

The next morning, Dr. Wilson came with a plan. "Ada, we can't let your family stay all the time, but we can set up a special video call station in your room so you can talk to them whenever you want. They can also visit more often."

Ada’s eyes lit up. "Thank you, Dr. Wilson! Thank you, Nurse Joy! That sounds wonderful!"

[Doodle credit: ChatGPT-4]

That afternoon, Baba, Mama, and Chike arrived with Biloongra. They hugged Ada, filling her with warmth and happiness. Baba said, "Ada, we'll be here as much as we can. And with the video calls, it'll be like we're never far away."

Nurse Joy set up a computer for video calls. Ada chatted with her family whenever she wanted. Biloongra’s playful antics on screen made her giggle, and Chike’s funny stories kept her spirits high.

One evening, Nurse Joy arranged a special visit. Ada's heart jumped with joy as Biloongra visited her in a special outdoor area. She hugged her furry friend, feeling his warm fur against her cheek.

With her family's love and the kindness of Nurse Joy and Dr. Wilson, Ada grew stronger every day. Finally, the day came when Ada was well enough to go home. Her family cheered, "Welcome home, Ada!"

Ada hugged them tightly. "Thank you for always being there for me. I couldn’t have done it without you."

From then on, Ada and her family enjoyed every moment together, knowing their love could overcome any challenge.


Team Name: Fun and Recovery Squad
Theme: Hospital Admission 
Storytellers and designations





JOHN ADELEYE (Team lead)







Nursing (Dial)



Nursing (ICU)



Nursing (OR)






Nursing (Endo)



Nursing (ER)

Editorial Note: This story was generated at the Create-2-innovate #C2i Masterclass held at Evercare Hospital Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria in June 2024. #C2i is an interprofessional platform that utilizes Human Centered Design Thinking and Generative AI for storytelling around clinical and healthcare-related issues. During the Masterclass, ChatGPT-4 was used to revise, refine, and 'visualize' the story, ensuring alignment with the session's objectives and expected outcomes. The primary goal was to create a story for young children (ages 6 to 12) using the Biloongra family of characters, contextualised to the Nigerian setting. For further details of the Masterclass, visit this link    

DISCLAIMER: Copyright belongs to the storytellers! 


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