Ada's Asthma Adventure (Biloongra 3.0)

[Doodle credit: ChatGPT-4]
In a cozy little house lived a lively eight-year-old girl named Ada. She lived with her brothers, Chike and Kunle, her caring Mama and Baba, and their playful kitten, Biloongra. They were a happy family, always laughing and playing together.

One bright afternoon, while playing with Biloongra, Ada suddenly felt a tightness in her chest. Her asthma was acting up again. Baba's smoking often made it worse, even though Mama worked hard to keep their home clean and free of smoke.

“Mama, my chest feels tight,” Ada said softly, worried.

Mama quickly fetched Ada’s inhaler while Chike opened all the windows, letting in fresh air. Each puff from the inhaler made Ada feel better, like a cool breeze on a hot day. She took deep breaths and felt the relief.

When Ada felt better, Mama and Baba sat down with Chike. “We need to make our home safe for Ada,” Mama said firmly. Baba nodded. “I’ll start smoking outside and try to quit,” he promised.

With these changes, Ada felt more secure and comfortable. She hugged her family, thankful for their support and love. She knew they were doing everything they could to help her feel better.

As days went by, Baba smoked outside, and Mama kept the house extra clean. Ada’s asthma attacks became less frequent, and she could play with Biloongra without worry. She loved running around the garden, playing hide and seek with her brothers and Biloongra, feeling free and happy.

One day at school, during show-and-tell, Ada stood up in front of her class. Miss Julie, her teacher, smiled and said, “What do you have to share with us today, Ada?”

Ada took a deep breath and said, “I want to talk about my asthma. My family helps keep me safe from asthma. We make sure the house is clean, and my Baba doesn’t smoke inside anymore. If you have asthma, it’s important to avoid things that make it hard to breathe.”

Miss Julie nodded approvingly. “That’s wonderful, Ada. It’s important to have a supportive family.”

Ada’s classmates asked her many questions. “What is asthma?” one kid asked.

Ada replied, “Asthma is when your lungs get sensitive and have trouble breathing. With an inhaler and avoiding things like dust or smoke, you can breathe easier.”

Another classmate asked, “How can we help someone with asthma?”

Ada smiled and said, “You can help by making sure they avoid things that make it hard for them to breathe, like dust and smoke. Also, remind them to take their medicine.”

Miss Julie added, “Thank you, Ada, for teaching us about asthma. It’s very important to know how we can help our friends.”

That evening, as they all sat together in the living room, Ada snuggled up with Biloongra and said, “Thank you for keeping me safe.” Her family smiled, knowing their love and efforts made all the difference. They watched a funny movie together, laughing and enjoying each other’s company.

The next morning, Mama and Ada decided to plant a small garden in their backyard. They chose flowers that were known to be good for clean air. As they dug and planted, Ada felt happy knowing they were making their home even safer for her.

At bedtime, Baba read Ada a story about a brave little girl who faced her fears and overcame challenges with the help of her loving family. Ada smiled, feeling a connection to the story. She hugged her parents goodnight, feeling safe and loved.

With her family's support, Ada knew she could handle any asthma adventure that came her way. She felt stronger and more confident, knowing that together, they could overcome anything. As she drifted off to sleep, Ada dreamed of all the wonderful adventures she would have, knowing her family would always be there to keep her safe. 


Here is a scene from Ada's classroom with Miss Julie, the class teacher, present. It is visualised as part of the storytelling session: the students are sitting in a circle and engaging with their class teacher.    

Kiddy rhyme (all kids sing this together)

Soft kitty

Warm kitty

Little ball of fur

Sleepy kitty

Happy kitty

Purr, purr, purr

Kiddy questions

Kid 1: "Miss Julie what is asthma?"

Miss Julie: "Asthma is when your lungs get sensitive and have trouble breathing. With an inhaler and avoiding triggers like dust or smoke, you can breathe easier."

Kid 2: "Miss Julie how can we prevent asthma attacks?"

Miss Julie: "Avoid triggers, take prescribed medicines, stay healthy, and keep track of symptoms."



Team Name: Cozy Purple
Theme: Living with chronic conditions
Storytellers and designations






Medical Officer






ER Doctor
















Editorial Note: This story was generated at the Create-2-innovate #C2i Masterclass held at Evercare Hospital Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria in June 2024. #C2i is an interprofessional platform that utilizes Human Centered Design Thinking and Generative AI for storytelling around clinical and healthcare-related issues. During the Masterclass, ChatGPT-4 was used to revise, refine, and 'visualize' the story, ensuring alignment with the session's objectives and expected outcomes. The primary goal was to create a story for young children (ages 6 to 12) using the Biloongra family of characters, contextualised to the Nigerian setting. For further details of the Masterclass, visit this link    

DISCLAIMER: Copyright belongs to the storytellers! 


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