The Superhero Gadget (Biloongra 3.0)

[Doodle credit: ChatGPT-4]
In a cozy little house at the end of the street, lived a happy family: Mama, Baba, Chike, Ada, Kunle, and their playful kitten, Biloongra. Biloongra had a special secret—he could talk, but only the children knew this.

One bright Saturday morning, Ada was excited because her best friend, Ella, was coming over to play. However, there was one thing that worried Ada: Ella was allergic to cat fur, and Biloongra loved to be where the fun was.

Mama made sure everything was ready for Ella’s visit. They cleaned the living room and set up a cozy spot for Biloongra in Chike’s room. 

When Ella arrived, Ada greeted her with a big hug. 

“Come on, Ella! Let’s play in the garden!” she exclaimed. They quickly went outside, far from Biloongra.

Chike joined in, and they all played hide and seek, blew bubbles for Kunle to chase, and even had a mini relay race. Everything was perfect until they decided to go inside for some lemonade. As soon as they walked in, Biloongra, curious as ever, came trotting out of Chike’s room and rubbed against Ella’s legs. 

Ella started sneezing uncontrollably. "Ah-choo! Ah-choo!" Her nose tickled, and her eyes watered. She started coughing and couldn’t stop!

Mama and Baba exchanged worried glances. 

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Mama asked, kneeling beside Ella. 

"My… nose feels funny, Aunty," Ella sniffled, rubbing her eyes. Baba quickly carried Ella to the car, and they rushed to the hospital, with Ada holding Ella’s hand the whole way. 

Ada whispered to Biloongra, "Stay here, Biloongra. We’ll be back soon."

At the hospital, doctors and nurses took great care of Ella. They gave her a special mask to help her breathe better. 

Soon, a kind doctor came out and smiled. "Ella is doing much better. She had an asthma attack, but she's going to be fine. She just needs to rest."

Ada felt a wave of relief. She couldn’t wait to see her friend and tell her how brave she was. When they were allowed to see Ella, Ada gently hugged her. "I’m so sorry, Ella. I didn’t know Biloongra would come out."

Ella smiled weakly. "It's okay, Ada. I know Biloongra just wanted to play too."

Biloongra suddenly spoke up, "I'm really sorry, Ella. I didn't mean to make you sick. I just wanted to play too!"

Ella's eyes widened. "Biloongra, you can talk?"

"Yes, and I’m glad you're feeling better," Biloongra replied.

The doctor came in with a friendly smile. "We used a nebulizer. It's a machine that turns medicine into a mist. It helps open up airways so Ella can breathe easily. It’s like a superhero gadget!"

Chike's eyes lit up. "Like a superhero gadget?"

The doctor laughed. "Exactly! And Ella was very brave. The nebulizer might seem noisy, but it's very helpful."

Ada and Ella laughed. “Thank you, Doctor! And thank you, Biloongra!” Ella said, feeling much better.

As they drove home, Ada looked at Biloongra and said, "Next time, let's play outside, away from Ella, okay?" Biloongra nodded, understanding the importance of keeping Ella safe.

When they got home, they all sat together, enjoying lemonade and cookies. Biloongra curled up next to Ella, purring softly. “I’m glad you’re okay, Ella,” he said quietly.

From that day on, Biloongra made sure to stay away from Ella whenever she visited. Ada, Ella, and Biloongra continued to have fun adventures, always careful to keep everyone safe and happy.


Team Name: Med-Tales
Theme: ER / Medical Procedures 
Storytellers and designations






MO/Fam Med






Nursing (ICU)






Nursing (ER)







Editorial Note: This story was generated at the Create-2-innovate #C2i Masterclass held at Evercare Hospital Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria in June 2024. #C2i is an interprofessional platform that utilizes Human Centered Design Thinking and Generative AI for storytelling around clinical and healthcare-related issues. During the Masterclass, ChatGPT-4 was used to revise, refine, and 'visualize' the story, ensuring alignment with the session's objectives and expected outcomes. The primary goal was to create a story for young children (ages 6 to 12) using the Biloongra family of characters, contextualised to the Nigerian setting. For further details of the Masterclass, visit this link    

DISCLAIMER: Copyright belongs to the storytellers! 


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